Archives for posts with tag: gift

Here’s a little sneak peak of our new “Inspire!” line. What do you think?

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

I’ve seen a lot of really cute hedgehogs around Etsy lately. Here are some of my favorites:


(1) clasp purse by Field of Roses, (2) pill box by Mmim, (3) Mr. Hedgehog embroidered necklace by Poppy and Fern, (4) felt hedgehog keychain by Joojoo Craft, (5) Le Hedgehog totem by Le Animale, and (6) cherry wood circles by Elements Inspiration.

Check out these quirky statement necklaces! Upcycled from old sunglass frames, they are bright, fun, and BOLD. And, they’re on sale this week! $15 for an awesome addition to your accessory collection or a truly one-of-a-kind gift!

I couldn’t decide which glasses to get

A sight for sore eyes